Wednesday 18 February 2009

Uncomfortably Numb

Oh wow. This is going to hurt.
I just came off the treadmill after running four miles, for the second time in two days. I ached all over this morning, so it was a real effort to climb onto that machine today.
I felt OK when I started, but once I hit my old friendly 30 minute mark I started to feel it again. Suddenly I was very aware of my breathing, the acid in my legs, balancing even starts becoming conscious. It's official, I still hate running.
Right now I'm just feeling a bit numb. There's no pain, but I feel like it's waiting for me, and I'm going to stiffen up completely over the next 12 hours. Oh well, no one said it would be easy.
I know there's quite a few runners in my network, so if you've got any recovery tips I'd really like to hear them!
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Tuesday 10 February 2009

Training update

Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to posting another entry on this blog, but I've been busy training and job-hunting.
The way I'm organising my training is so on Sunday evenings I think about how much I did the previous week, how fast and far etc, and try and figure out if I feel horrible, in which case I'll do the same thing for another week, or if I feel OK, in which case I'll up either the distance or the speed. This should get me up to the 6 mile level in time for my first race, but it's probably still going to be slow!
It's been going pretty well so far. This is the fourth week of training and I'm doing three miles at 4.2 mph. That takes about 43 minutes, which coincidentally is just the right amount of time to watch "The Biggest Loser" on Sky2 if you fast forward through the adverts. I know it's junk TV, and normally I don't watch any reality TV shows, but I don't care!
I've also lost a couple of pounds, so although my diet still isn't where i want it, I'm moving in the right direction.
Another good bit of news is my friend from University Iain Clark is joining me on the first race at Brooklands. Iain's always been fitter than me, so I doubt we'll be doing the same pace throughout, but at least he'll be there at the start and the finish!
I'll finish by urging you once again to go and make a pledge at my fundraising site, it really is for a very good cause.