Saturday 2 May 2009

Training update

It's Saturday morning of the May Day Bank Holiday Weekend. I've just been for my normal Saturday run, except while I normally go and run with Iain round Virginia Water Lake, this month Iain's a bit too busy with his wedding preparations, so I'm on my own.
Saturday is my weekly long run, and it's been a few weeks since I last did it - and boy can I tell! I've been concentrating on improving my speed in the gym, so I've only been doing short runs, 5.5K max. Running 10K today by comparison was horrible. I couldn't hit a comfortable pace, so I was running too fast, then having to slow right down to recover, then trying to speed up again for the whole time. In the end it took just over an hour, which is consistent with my previous training runs, but it really hurt! It probably doesn't help that I'm a bit hung over too...
I'm starting swimming from next week too, so I think I'll have to start doing a few more long runs in the evening to keep my stamina up. If anyone's got any tips on training for long distance and speed at the same time please leave me a comment below!

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